CAL WAYNE is the epitome of a lyrical storyteller. He tells his truth in the rawest form. Read more here.
Recognized as the heart of the Tre and one of Houston’s most sought after rappers. A genuine storyteller. Listen now.
Watch and be hypnotized by his flow in these music videos.
This wasn’t my friend this was my big brother. My true O.G. Big Floyd 💯👑 any song I made you hear who taught me “George Big Floyd”
Then Cal describes the morning he received a text from a friend that changed his life, about an event that would lead to millions of Americans taking to the streets in protest. “That’s your brother,” the message read. (full article here)
His latest album, “Ghetto Superstar,” is as close as the Third Ward will ever get to having a full-time beat writer: Someone who lives and works in the place he writes about, and someone whose fans believe gets it right. – Wright Thompson, ESPN.COM
Cal Wayne’s third studio album, Ghetto, resurrects Hip Hop music. – Brianca Jay, The Core 94